Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Kevin Pennington Should Be Charged With Manslaughter

You may know I have three daughters that I love more than life itself. The only things I place above them are God and my wife. So far I've kept them from being shot and I plan to keep it that way.

No, I don't think Kevin Pennington meant to leave a loaded gun in his truck. At least his family says that he didn't. I have no idea if sweet Kaleigh's brother meant to shoot her or not, but he's only 10 or 11, so he's not the adult here. Kevin Pennington is.

DA Brent Cooper says he won't prosecute Kevin. Okay, I get it that the family needs Kevin to keep being the breadwinner, but what kind of message does that send? DA Cooper can make sure Kevin gets probation, right?

Until we start prosecuting gun crimes, and this was a crime, our children's death rate is going to remain the same.

The Tatler