Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Who Is Brian Murphy & What the H*** Is a Marxist for Jesus?

When my middle daughter tells me she wants to go to an Indigo Girls concert, I say "Great. How much this time?" But she responds it's free. That should set off a huge red flag.

Free is my preferred price, but after a little snooping I decide she doesn't need to be where a riot could break out no matter how remote the possibility. But that's not the point. This quick look at Project Say Something's free program turns up "Marxists for Jesus."

What the h*** is that, and who is that? It's City of Florence employee Brian Murphy holding that sign. Sure my business degree covered Marxism, but it's been a while, a long while. I had to do research into just what this bozo stands for. Why is this guy whose salary I essentially pay campaigning for Marxism? 

Yeah, I know. It's on his free time so he can have at it. I just gotta ask where the Florence Human Resources Department digs these people up?

The Shoals Tatler


  1. Follow the movement. The entire outfit, including t he sogn is a parody. It spoofs a counterprotester that calls PSS Marxists and says we don't like Jesus. And you are correct, Mr. Murphy can fight for injustice on his own time. The city is blessed to have a great a Historian on staff.

  2. HR didn’t dig him up from anywhere. Libby Jordan wanted hired him part-time because he volunteered for Arts/Museum we NEEDED his talent SO 2018 he filled her pt position at Rosenbaum House when she was promoted then he is hired full time 2019 Curator Indian Mound they cleaned house there so he could take over & created a new title curator finally in June of this year his job is reclassified & he is Curator for Indian Mound & Popes Tavern. in retrospect looks like to me when she retires he will be her replacement. It was the plan to begin with & HR couldn’t do a thing the Jordan’s brought him in. Also note Jordan booted Steen from Historical Board & Mr. Murphy took over that as well.

    1. For crying out loud. If you are going to try to make a point, PLEASE use correct English and punctuation!!! I could barely read your post Samantha Davis. Please tell me you don't work for the city...
